Photo: Marlise Meilan

A successful and healthy intimate relationship requires that each partner invest some of their time and energy into satisfying the needs and desires of their partner. When relationship needs are not being met satisfactorily, the relationship is in serious trouble and may break. However all needs cannot be met by your partner. Each must take some responsibility for satisfying needs apart from the relationship. The Meilan Counselling Clinic offers relationship and couples counselling that can help you identify and clarify your needs as well as the needs of your partners.

When conflicts dominate a relationship, an exaggerated focus gets placed on the negative aspects of the partner. Defenses keep people from evaluating their own contributions to the conflict and from noticing the positive things that their partners do to enhance the relationship. One can become overly focused on the negative aspects and primarily see their partners as the cause of the failure in the relationship. 

Relationship and couples counselling assists people in putting things in perspective by asking you to take an honest look at yourself as well as evaluating your partners’ contribution to the conflict. Additionally, therapists at the Meilan Counselling Clinic assist in attaining relationship balance by having you recognize the positive things that you and your partner are bringing to your relationship.

For relationship and couples counselling, contact the Meilan Counselling Clinic to get assistance in:

  • developing the necessary skills for effective, open communication, mutually satisfying intimacy, and enjoyable time for companionship within the relationship

  • increasing awareness of your own role in relationship conflicts

  • learning to identify escalating behaviours that lead to arguments

  • making relationship commitments

  • rebuilding self-confidence after a sense of rejection associated with a broken relationship

  • accepting and moving on from the end of a relationship